very fun game. i would love to try the upcoming sequel
also Celia II KAI best girl

i love the arcana heart franchise and is one of my favorite fighters along with chaos code and under night in-birth
but i can't deny that it has a very poor netcode and i barely see someone playing it

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Heller: Im at the computer. What do I press?
Guerra: First you need to--
Heller: Im pressing the red button. Shit. Now the screen's all fucked up. Shit's broken

What can i say about this game? Is just wonderful.
I usually play at community servers because you can play as SAXTON HAAAAAAALE

I've been playing this game since it started (EN server) and i really love everything about it.
I'm a F2P player that never expended any real life currency on gacha games and, to this day i have every song currently available and at least 1 4☆ copy of every character on the game (except the newer ones).
Yes, the fact that is a gacha would be one of the main reasons of why some people don't even try to play the game
But i can assure you that if all you want is a fun rhythm game you should try this one