I really, really wanted to love this game, and at first, everything was going well, at least for a few hours. The graphics are very unique and stunning, I loved the art style, and even the gameplay was fun and easy to master. The whole atmosphere and the lore are amazing in my opinion, they reminded me of games like Horizon, Outer Wilds, Journey and even Death Stranding a bit. The protagonist and in general the characters of the world were quite interesting, too. There's a surprisingly huge amount of quests you can finish, secrets and optional tasks scattered everywhere on the map, lots of collectibles and customization options, so if you want to do everything, you won't get bored for a while. The fact that Sable sticks to walls like Spider-Man is a nice gimmick, but unfortunately it can get a bit annoying in tight, closed spaces when she starts climbing even if you don't want her to. Anyway, that's not the main problem here...

I don't know about other platforms, but the PS5 version is riddled with performance issues and bugs. When I reached the actual open world part of the game, I started encountering serious lagging, sudden frame rate drops, controller input delays, Sable getting locked while doing something, and even some game-breaking glitches which forced me to restart the whole thing. Fishing is probably the most bugged of all, sometimes Sable won't do anything when you start this minigame. I can't even tell you how many times I had to save, quit and load again during the last few hours of my gameplay...

I simply can't ignore so many issues, no matter how much I loved everything else. Maybe play it on another platform for a better experience and avoid this on the PS5, that's all I can recommend.

Reviewed on Jan 07, 2024
