Log Status






Time Played

30h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 10, 2023

Platforms Played


After wasting time trying to get into the previous Mana titles I jumped unto this and I had a blast. 6 different really cool characters and your protagonists and companion choices influence the story. Each character has a beginner class which they can change into 2 other classes later in the game, twice. The game isn't really an action RPG since the only action element is moving in and out of enemy melee range, spells and special attacks can't be dodged but despite that the game is still immensely enjoyable. The biggest thing if favor of this game is how fast progression is for the genre, you're always moving forward and seeing, doing new things. Needless to say it looks and sounds great. Major criticism is that the story isn't overall that engaging, main party is a highlight for sure and depending on how much you like those characters you might not be bothered by it, still the story has a lot of strength and presence for 2/3 of the game but the last third up to the final section of the game it feels like it's barely there. Minor complaints, spells animations can't be skipped and you'll get tired of seeing them but you sped them up in an emulator and the grind for the 3rd class change is boring but you can also sorta cheat it in a emulator I suppose. Play this game it's awsome