Sonic Frontiers is okay. It's fun, and it has some great ideas behind it but it isn't perfect in any way. I'd love a game with better controls (it can be fiddly at times) and more complex levels - the open zones are too basic and the Cyberspace stages are all reused from past titles without much variety or imagination. But as far as Sonic games go this one's pretty decent; there have been worse outings than this, although you might want to wait for an eventual sale.

Reviewed on Dec 01, 2022


1 year ago

starting speed: 60
initial boost speed: 90
turning speed: 100
boost turning speed: 20
top speed: 100
steering sensitivity: 100
acceleration: 50
bounce height: 100

your control issues are gone

1 year ago

I'll try those out when I return for the updates. Thanks!