Wolcen from the start has a pretty good premise, you are a human part of a brotherhood that defies the use of magic arts, but a series of events put you on the watch of the brotherhood, and from there, your story begins.
Gotta say that even tho the story is promising and the characters are ok, the writing and the dialogue in this game leave a lot to be desired.

The game starts pretty strong (In ARPGS parameters) but slowly declines as the story progresses, culminating in a completely rushed 4th and last chapter that left some questions unanswered and a cliffhanger that could insinuate a future second entry.


There are 3 main classes in the game, Warrior for melee, and Archer/Mage for ranged combat. I started my playthrough with a Warrior class and I noticed that I encountered various issues with its balance during fights, especially with some Bosses that seemed to be designed with ranged combat in mind.

Overall the combat in this game feels a little bit clunky and unresponsive. The commands you press (If the game registers it) cannot be canceled if you find yourself in a tight situation, and that's a terrible mechanic in fast-paced combat like in this game.

The loot is another big issue. Rare weapons with good stats are available from the beginning not only from loot but also from the town's merchant for a little bit of cash (which btw money is really easy to gather in this game), making them lose their importance. On top of this, there's an overabundance of loot throughout the game with it only showing the name of the item, so I spent a lot of my playthrough picking things from the ground and managing my inventory.

The balance in the enemy's difficulty is pretty bad, you will find yourself breezing through the first three chapters without a problem, only to suddenly find yourself with a pretty noticeable spike in difficulty in the last third of this game.

On the technical level, I did find myself with some bugs and glitches here and there. Like for example the map appears in full screen if I alt-tabbed (This can be easily fixed by opening and closing the inventory) and some levels with a pretty slow texture load.

Now to say something positive.

The game has a really good enemy variety, each section of the game has a different set of enemies with their respective elemental damage, this gives a sense of progression that the game seriously needs at times.

The cutscenes are also pretty good for an Indie title, I only wish the dialogue would complement on that, but most of the times it does not.

To be done with this I have to say that you will find enjoyment in this game (even with all the problems I addressed) because the foundation of the game is solid enough. Just get it on sale and you will probably enjoy it!

Reviewed on May 25, 2023
