This game comes with all the strengths of the previous games: good ghost stories, fun, likeable cast of characters, striking, creepy art, and good atmosphere created through sound effects, music, writing.

It also improves over the others with better pacing and handling of the Suspense Acts. They come up with an odd RPG-ish solution that gives the player multiple chances to guess the right answer instead of an immediate "Game Over" screen. It cuts the frustration I felt from playing the previous games way down. There are collectibles in the game to help improve the odds and amount of attempts during Suspense Acts. Thankfully they place them along the main path, so I didn't have to search the entire map every chapter. I was able to find most of them without having to resort to a guide.

It's the smoothest, most enjoyable Spirit Hunter game. I've been loving playing this every night, and it's been making time fly by quickly.

Reviewed on Mar 17, 2024
