I admittedly bought this on sale on Steam thinking I would laugh through a classically-dated ‘90s video game on stream, stunted voice acting and all. However, the more I sunk into this game, the more I started to realize this had a following for a reason. While it definitely requires the player to be on its wavelength, what’s waiting for open-minded players is maybe the most lived-in game that I’ve ever experienced, personally. After playing it through, I genuinely think this is one of the most important video games of all time.

I think it’s a crazy accomplishment to create an atmosphere like this, that places you in such a mundane world that promises big things, but it’s just so regular and run-down. A great dissection of the mundanity of capitalism and urbanism, even in the face of destined greatness. A father-avenging, martial-arts-action video game stuck in the gears of the laborer’s routine. All the while, it’s still telling an amazing story, one of feeling stuck on rage and grief, and even when you’re stuck and can’t move on from mountains of unprocessed feelings, the world keeps turning, and days go by, and lives go on being lived.

Maybe the most important thing about this game, though, is that it is not embaressed to be a video game. A lot of narrative-focused video games try so hard to be elevated because they’re insecure to be a part of this medium, but Shenmue isn’t. There are fun, colorful collectibles, there are so many mini-games that you could waste a whole day on, and so many references to Sega! When I found the Sega Saturn in Ryo’s house, my jaw dropped.

So many wonderful moments, a wonderful supporting cast, I just got so sucked into this world, and after thinking I’d just play this one and move on, I’m so on board to play through II & III. I’ll never forget about Nozomi for the rest of my life!

Reviewed on Jun 18, 2023


11 months ago

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! woooooooooooooo!!!!!! i'm glad you loved it.
greatly looking forward to a shenmue 2 review. you'll definitely appreciate how they continue this ryo's story

also.... nozomi & the motorcycle 3

11 months ago


11 months ago

the motorcycle scene with Nozomi was so good ugh. i though i’d finish this and then wait a bit to do Shenmue II but after finishing the first game i just wanna go for it!!!