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To address the elephant in the room, the fact that this game was made by just ONE person is absolutely incredible. The amount of effort and talent showcased here is phenomenal.

Your Turn To Die has kinda been fighting an uphill battle from the start against Danganronpa. The game’s similarities and inspiration taken from Danganronpa is very apparent. However this has caused the two to be infinitely compared to each other. Despite this, YTTD has managed to separate itself from its influence and stand on its own two feet.

The gameplay is mostly good. I enjoy the puzzles and new gameplay elements added in each chapter. However the highlight is undoubtedly the main game segments. Trying to figure out inconsistencies in arguments is really fun and this is only heightened by the story during these parts.

The story itself is decent enough. It’s a pretty generic setup as death game stories go, with characters being abducted and being forced to cooperate with strangers, as the cast slowly whittles down. One subversion I really did like was the fact that many characters died before you even met them. I loved the mystery surrounding them in the first two chapters and once you reach chapter three it is very rewarding meeting them in person. Other than that however, the story is just so-so. Pretty much the same as anything else in the genre.

However where this game particularly shines is its characters. Each one is fairly fleshed out and entertaining. And of course Sou (Shin) is the best of them all. I always love characters whose purpose is to drive the protagonist insane, like Nagito Komaeda or Joshua Kiryu and Sou works very well in that regard. I found his relationship with Kanna particularly interesting. Normally these types of characters have no real close bonds, but Kanna and Sou’s relationship with each other surprised me and made me appreciate both characters even more. However Sou definitely becomes burnt out by the time chapter 3 begins. Because I chose to kill Kanna and save Sou, he was prevalent during chapter 3. I kept him alive since he was my favourite character and I was highly anticipating his interactions with Midori. However I was sorely disappointed as soon as the character began. Sou just had no presence anymore. He wasn’t allowed to do anything interesting because the story couldn’t deviate too for depending on who was and wasn’t alive. Midori himself replaced Sou as the psycho for the chapter, and honestly he felt very cliché. Midori was just a guy who was insane just because. However I can’t fault the game too much for these issues considering that it was only made by one person. Being able to create any game by yourself is no small task, so many of my criticisms aren’t that big of a deal considering the circumstances.

Overall I still prefer Danganronpa. But Your Turn To Die is still a very enjoyable time with such fun characters and I hope my opinion on some of the later elements will change after I play through the emotion route.

Reviewed on May 16, 2023

1 Comment

10 months ago

So real. Kanna's route in chapter 3 is lowkey so much better in most ways since she you know is like actually present.