I backed this game on kickstarter hoping for Banjo-Kazooie. I got disappointment and a game i'm ashamed to have my name in the credits of

The only thing keeping this from being a better game is a ridiculous amount of bug, crashes, and the horrid AI you have to deal with, that multiple times had me soft locked

WarioWare has not aged very well. I've palyed a few other entities in the series but never the original, so I tried to remedy that. The game isn't as kind as later entries in the series are. Some of the microgames are absolutely brutal with their timing and some are even more luck based than anything else. Overall, it makes for a short, but frustrating experience. Don't recommend unless you're really curious bout there series origins. Just play WarioWare Gold instead

SUPERHOT is the most innovative shooter I've played in years

After 110 hours and three out of five endings under my belt, I can say I'm officially done with this mess of a game. I've been defending this game since launch day. "Oh the bugs aren't THAT bad, I've seen worse! But I'm actually having fun with this! The weapons are fun to use! The characters are cool!"

Characters stop being great when they're written into dirt with unsatisfying endings, awkward as fuck sex scenes and plot holes a plenty. There was definitely some thought here but it got lost somewhere in the 8 years of development hell and what we got left with is a bug ridden potential that somehow hasn't been in the oven long enough, probably because the higher ups were too busy screwing over the chefs who were doing their best. I can only hope this game gets somewhat better over the coming months/years, but as of right now, don't do it.

I'm not normally one to judge the people who work on the games, but the developers of this game are actively transphobic and are actually passionate about their hate speech and don't seem to discourage it on their social media or their Steam forums. Stay far away.