Silent Hill is perhaps one of the greatest horror games out there. It’s not just one of the greatest PS1 titles, I’m comfortable calling it one of the best games out there.

The horror of Silent Hill is extremely effective in a way no other game is. Its aged flaws, while obviously dated, don’t at all detract from the experience. I’d even go as far as to say that those qualities ended up helping Silent Hill be the quality horror title it is.

Silent Hill is not a game that relies primarily on cheap jump scares or any other in your face moments. Rather than a loud and bombastic horror romp, Silent Hill is a quiet and mournful game. It’s a game that feels like wading through a nightmare, further supported with the cryptic nature of the puzzles and the sense of isolation present throughout every facet of the map. The fog and low draw distance-both features present entirely due to the low power of the PS1’s hardware-all serve to make the experience feel that more surreal and dreamlike, as well as the graphics and voice acting. This is not a game that could be remade and properly given justice: Silent Hill’s horror comes FROM its dated visuals and gameplay. Something that tried to “fix” Silent Hill by giving it remastered graphics and modern gameplay would be a title that would have missed out on what made the horror of Silent Hill so effective.

Silent Hill is a fantastic experience that is very much so worth checking out, even if you’re someone who typically doesn’t play older games. Through what might seem like a game that hasn’t aged the best, I think you’ll come to find that it’s a game drenched in atmosphere, and that it’s a title that remains superior even among horror releases to this day. It’s a fairly short game too, clocking in at about seven hours. I encourage you to check this title out.

And P.S. Watch Jacob’s Ladder.

Reviewed on Nov 01, 2023
