My previous review was kind of shit so I’m rewriting this to be a bit more specific about how I feel about this game.

To put it simply, Super Metroid is one of the greatest games Nintendo has ever put out. I’m not exaggerating when I say that this is a strong contender for one of the greatest games ever made either.

In terms of gameplay, Super Metroid is king. It’s open in a way no other game in the series is, which is something I appreciate deeply. Depending on how extensive your knowledge of the game’s mechanics go, the bosses can be tackled in any order. There are times when items can be gained much earlier than intended too, sometimes letting you skip certain mini bosses entirely. Other developers might have seen this as an issue, but Super Metroid is a game that respects the player enough to let them play the game how they see fit.

Truly, the only thing limiting how you tackle your approach to completion is your own skill. Sequence breaking almost feels encouraged, and I’ve never felt more vindicated when learning the ins and outs of how a game works than when playing Super Metroid. Seeing my completion time get lower and lower whilst my item collection rate get higher and higher is maybe one of the greatest feelings ever.

Some people might prefer the tighter controls of the later titles, and that is a fair criticism of the game. I don’t personally believe it’s really that much of a barrier to entry though, and you get used to the physics fairly quickly.

Graphically, this game is amazing. I would easily say that this game has one of my favorite art styles ever, and it remains one of the best looking games on the Super Nintendo.

The music is fantastic as well. Each song has a sense of isolation and melancholy to it, making Super Metroid an incredibly unique experience. It’s atmospheric in ways that later Metroid games aren’t. While I love those titles to bits, I’ve always felt they were a bit too loud in comparison to Super.

In short, play this game. Curious about the Metroid series in the slightest? Play Super Metroid! Just want a fun Metroidvania? Play Super Metroid! Revisiting the title again? Play Super Metroid! Have no interest in Metroid as a series, Metroidvanias, or videogames in general? Play Super Metroid!

Reviewed on Jun 25, 2023
