Watch my friend play this im sorry its garbage. Clearly made by a smelly 4chan user who's probably super racist (considering almost all the characters are paler than the fucking moon).
Also hate how 90% of people like this game just watched a video essay and pretend they play it.

Reviewed on May 26, 2024


29 days ago

you cant say that 90% of people like this game just watched a video essay and pretend they play it when you just watched your friend played it and now you hate.also the reason why you dont like it is becouse your a retard game jourelist

21 days ago

I get where you're coming from with the 4chan thing but it's simply incorrect and you'd know that if you actually played the game instead of just watching gameplay from your friend. So don't blame people for watching video essays when you're no better.

21 days ago

I am better. I'm god actually
Lol you didnt even player by yourself get filtered normie

4 days ago

you know the people getting mad are losers when one of them just said "get filtered normie" like you just proved this game is 4chan garbage