2 reviews liked by LarryCrawshaw

Bless Teyon for making the sort of competent, 7/10 licensed game that we just don't get anymore.

I'll also give them credit for being ambitious with this. It would have been much easier to make Terminator: Resistance a standard COD-style shooter, but what's on offer here is more akin to the Metro games. There's a large focus on stealth (at least at first), skill points, lockpicking, hacking, crafting, large open areas with side objectives, etc. You have dialogue options and "trust levels" with NPCs, and "multiple endings" (basically the same "this happened to this person" screens as in Fallout 3). It almost approaches immersive sim territory at times, and the effort is admirable.

Apparently, when this came out originally, it was also kinda busted, but I didn't have any issues on PS5 except for trophies not unlocking after putting the PS5 in Rest Mode. Silly me, I forgot Rest Mode is the devil's work and should never be used. Thankfully, the game, despite not having a standard level select, does automatically make separate saves for each level so you can go back that way.

Does this game have problems? Sure. Once you get plasma weapons, there's no reason to ever use ballistic weapons again, apart from the shotgun (which is already the only gun worth using before you get plasma) for non-Terminator enemies. The AI is, ironically, pretty terrible, and throwing grenades is a liability because they'll often bounce off of invisible walls in front of you, leading to a Looney Tunes-ass scramble to get away before it explodes.

New in this Enhanced version is the Infiltrator Mode, a sorta roguelike diversion where you play as a Terminator. It takes place on the Pasadena map, and feels like a dry run for their upcoming Robocop game. You go around the map collecting intel, which marks resistance outposts and weapon caches on your map, which give you intel, and so on, until you find where the commander is and finish. It's about 45 minutes if you thoroughly search the map, and it's a pretty cool little proof of concept.

I'm looking forward to RoboCop: Rogue City, these fellas have moxie.

Woefully undercooked Campaign and Zombies modes that show clear signs of an impossible deadline. Developers deserve props for actually shipping the game in a perfectly playable state.

I was ex ited to play the old maps again but found they really weren't doing it for me. Potentially the nostalgia didn't hit or they didn't translate over to the new engine particularly well.