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Time Played

38h 0m

Platforms Played


Combat has been somewhat improved from the first game, but this is still an absolute slog. After heading to Dondoko Island and having a good time turning it into a 5-star resort, I came crashing back down when I returned to Hawaii and realized I still have like 60 hours of this bull shit left.

The wacky substories are fun as ever, but the main plot is legitimately the worst in Yakuza history. It's nothing but a bizarre series of sitcom-like coincidences strung together, with Ichiban already Flanderized in his second starring appearance. Kazuma got cancer because a forklift crashed into some radioactive waste? WHAT the FUCK are you TALKING ABOUT?!?!?

Anyway, I decided to do all the Sujimon stuff instead, and once that was finished, put this thing away so I can play a JRPG from people who know what they're doing.

Marked as "shelved" because I might buy this when it's 10 dollars in about 6 months and try to finish it. Unlikely, though. I am looking forward to either Akiyama Gaiden or Judgment 3: Kaito Goes Coconuts. Please, God, save me from these terrible Yakuza RPGs.

4/10. 1 point is for Dondoko Island, where you can give alcohol to children. Another point is for the Sujimon League, and the final two points are for Chitose's prominent jiggle physics.

20 hours into the game, I can now change jobs

this game makes Persona 4 look like it has the breakneck pacing of Evil Dead 2