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Max Payne 2 is a wonderful sequel that gives the player everything they would want from a Max Payne sequel: more Max Payne. While MP2 is an awesome sequel and game in its own rights, I do still love the original way more. MP2 is basically at its core the same as the first one in terms of gameplay and aesthetics, but in my opinion with some shortcomings. This sounds very nitpicky but the two things that made it a worse experience for me were, the really unsatisfying and low gun sounds, and the controls. Triangle to interact with stuff. Who in the hell decided that lmao
Of course, there's also the fact that they didn't use Sam Lake's iconic smug face for Max like in the first game, which ticks me off more than you can ever imagine lmao, I sincerely hope Sam reprises his role as Max in the remakes as does James Mcaffrey.
As for the story, I know it's the story that more people love and enjoy for the relationship between Max and Mona, but I honestly found it kinda rushed, the two of them kinda develop feelings for each-other seemingly out of nowhere, then fight one another then love one another again the span of like, 20 minutes, then Mona takes a bullet for Max and dies. I feel like it's portrayed as an unbelievably deep love of sorts but I really don't see it that way. There's other elements that are nonsensical like Max taking a bullet and falling several tens of feet, and then after that taking a bullet to the head and somehow surviving, but I guess I shouldn't complain about those seeing Mona also gets shot in the head in the first game and survives. But yeah, that's my review of MP2. I love this game truly, it's just more Max Payne which I can't get enough of, with some tweaks I didn't enjoy as much as the first and third. Still a fantastic game

Reviewed on Sep 15, 2023
