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As fundamentally flawed as a lot of it is, I have to embrace fully my bias and accept that this game just means a lot to me. I don't really mind the glaring issues such as the questionable way of writing from the creator DyneWulf, or the billion red flags found throughout almost every single route, or the art being... hit or miss; I don't care about all that because I love it.

I connect with these people in a very interesting way, I've known them for nearly 4 full years already, I've played some of the routes multiple times over, I know most of the plots from memory and I ever have a Spencer plush (the husky guy)

I could seriously talk about this game, the contents of it, what it represents and what it means to me for hours and hours upon end, whether it be the negatives of it or the things that have built a big part of who I am today.

I would recommend it to people who are interested in visiting the bizarre world of furry visual novels since it's mostly lighthearted and simple slice of life stuff.

Also yeah I'm fucking everyone in this game, go figure.