I love the music and the art is very well done. I couldn't get into the setting or the story. The combat is lame. Everything is dark, and it can be hard to tell what's going on visually. I also just don't like metroidvanias. I thought this might change my mind on the genre, but it didn't.

Reviewed on Mar 21, 2024


1 month ago

Same here bro... but i have to ask, how do i mark it as abandoned?

1 month ago

@whyfinn Click on the game and click "edit your log". There is an option to set your played status

1 month ago

I felt similarly about this game.
The combat is very minimal and boring, and though the art style is fantastic, it is quite dark.
My favourite part was all the traversal mechanics, but I hated how every biome ended with a gauntlet one hit kill section.
This game would have been a lot more enjoyable if it focused more on the fun feel of the traversal and made combat more engaging that being an annoying skill platformer.