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I love this game. <3
In terms of choices, I think it could be better, but I believe part of that was taken to focus on the story. And I love the simple and heartwarming story that I received from this. The choice is more if you care about the little things or not. The stakes aren't so high like in the other games, because the worst things happened before, now we are moving on and I love that.
I love Alex, I like her power (I don't think that we will ever get a cooler power than Max, time travel is just the coolest and scariest thing, but this one is great) that doesn´t need to be use all the time, like with Charlotte, glad I didn't stole her feelings. I love Gabe, Ryan, Steph, Charlotte, Ethan, Riley, Eleanor, Duckie and Pike, everyone stood by my side in the end and for the percentages, that is not very normal so I'm happy about it. To be honest, I have no idea how Alex survives that fall in the first place, but she does xD
After everything that happened to Alex, I decided to stay in Haven, I don't need adventure, just a place to belong and call home. Ryan and Steph are amazing friends and great partners for romance (better than Chloe, Hannah and Finn in my opinion). I romanced Ryan, but I want to try Steph too. I will finish playing when I get all the memories!
Chapter 3 was the best one for sure, SO FUN! Alto the bard will always be there! And the twist in the LARP being foreshadowing is nice. And the most hard choice in the game was with Charlotte. Great part!
I really believe that this game would be amazing in 4 episodes, the episode 4 feels a bit rush, just put it together with 5 and voilá.
In the end, I believe that is my favorite Life is Strange game. The part that is more important to me is always the story and characters and if it makes me connect and cry about them and it did. <3
And amazing soundtrack, but that is always great with Life is Strange games, but here was really in focus!
And I got in 8th place in the Mine Haunt game... one day I do better than that, but it's really hard xD

Reviewed on May 20, 2024
