I will tell my story with this game so that you know the type of relationship I have with it, even if nobody cares.
When this game came out for the first time in 2016 I bought it, as a big fan of this franchise I was very happy because for me I was going to play another game. This franchise is very special to me, so much so that I have played literally every game. I really felt very happy, but when I started playing it I dropped it fast. I could not believe it, this game was full of problems, both with the content and in general.

Those problems are (in my opinion)

The previous point links perfectly with this one. In an artificial world where people have no concerns or needs, missions can only be equally artificial. We have three types of missions:

Go to this site and come back.
Go to this site, grab an item, and come back.
Go to this site, kill something and come back.
That's it, that's all. You, prince and heir to the crown, are a simple errand boy in this world. How difficult would it have been to put some variety in the missions? It shows that they have been very tight on time, and have opted for these missions because they are the easiest to copy and paste.

Walking through this world is a delight. It is a beautiful setting, but it is a shame that there is very little motivation to explore the world as it is mostly empty. Most of the points of interest are discovered throughout the story and side quests, and then there is little else to explore. You are not going to explore a new area and be amazed at what you find at the end, there is no such sense of discovery.

Battle system.
Another point that could have been improved with more development time is the battle system. The idea of the system is good, and it could have worked, but they have been left half. The magic system is ineffective, and I have hardly used the special weapons that he tries so hard to find. In the end I have only used normal weapons, looking for them to be effective against the current enemy. When there are many enemies the battles are chaotic and cumbersome. When fighting flying enemies the combat is incredibly frustrating. My favorite battles have been when fighting a single medium or large enemy, as this is where you can plan and execute some kind of strategy.
i can go on.... but when this version came out everything changed. Although I haven't finished it since it came out, I started playing this version of the game and finished it today. I have to say that I love this game, and many of the bugs that it had in the first version were fixed and that makes me very happy. It is literally one of the most beautiful games I have ever played in my life.


Reviewed on Sep 18, 2021
