Congrats on Falcom resisting the pressing urge to implant an asinine brother sister romance plot within the confines of the story, I'm prouder than they could EVER know and I haven't even played a Trails game just yet.

ANYWAY wow I was pretty blown away by this one, I didn't expect to have nearly as much fun as I did with it. It encourages exploration as well as playing the game to it's fullest like far too few JRPGS can accomplish these days and the gameplay loop is beyond addicting as a direct result. Every little moment feels beyond satisfying and engineered to help cultivate the sense of community this game is trying its damnedest to get across with its not too slow, but not too fast and furious pacing. Although it's player choice whether or not you do every quest and go out and gather materials to keep the game's loop in perpetual motion this is a case where I'm glad my propensity for playing games is inherently slanted towards doing as much as I can before I finish it up. That's how rewarding it feels to go from combat/exploration/material gathering to another glimpse at the excellent story & character development unfolding at a steady pace. I truly enjoyed getting to know and experience the lives of each one of the castaways, speaking to everyone immediately once a new dialogue was available just to cover all of my bases fostered a sense of curiosity at how they must've lived before becoming stranded on the cursed island of Seiren. I had immersed myself fully into their mannerisms and ways of living that I feel I, along with Laxia, came to further understand the complexity of those around me. How our own unique circumstances shape us into the people we will be for the rest of our lives, how everyone is different, and grasping that... really is just half the battle towards understanding another human beings soul.

Everything about this game hit for me all in all and it's gotten me a LITTLE too hyped, perhaps, to play the other Falcom games so I'm gonna try to temper my expectations as best I can and go into each one with a fresh mindset, hopefully able to experience each one with the same sense of amazement and fresh inquisitiveness I was YS VIII.

Reviewed on Jan 12, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

most insane intro to a review ive ever seen