I'd say this is CDPR at their absolute best. It might be controversial to say because of how popular The Witcher 3 and of course Blood & Wine is... But I think Phantom Liberty is the best thing they've ever made.

The way this DLC weaves themes and character so elegantly is an absolute marvel of a dance they pull of effortlessly. At no point did I feel I could see the strings holding the game together, it just flowed, it was completely organic and had me hanging off of every word. From the set pieces, to the unique quest design, the narrative crux and the way it all ties back into V's personal journey as part of Cyberpunk 2077, this DLC nails it all. It's plain and simple, a masterpiece, in every way that counts.

I've played this before beating the main game for the first time, since this takes place before the ending I wanted to do this chronologically at the right point and it didn't feel wrong to do so, in-fact I think I'll be going into the base game's ending with a richer perception of both V and Johnny. Still speechless at just how good this was, utterly blown away.

Reviewed on May 26, 2024
