Destiny's second major DLC was...a bitter pill to swallow. While the campaign offering was significantly improved, offering some of the most engaging missions the game had yet scene, with a story and lore that was actually pretty interesting (if you bothered to read it on the grimoire cards outside of the game), the lack of a Raid is a sore spot on this expansion, lacking the one thing that defined the Destiny experience. The Prison of Elders was a reasonably enjoyable substitute, offering a more accessible activity and gear grind that was relatively well balanced. The higher difficulties of this were also just as hard, if not moreso, than the prior Raids had been, but that was mainly due to the higher enemy damage, resistances, and tight timing windows on boss mechanics.

For many, this expansion was an abject failure, but as a fan of the Destiny lore, the narrative presented kept me engaged at least, hoping for the day when Destiny would finally hit it big. Luckily, that wait was almost over.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2024
