I don't hate this game it is a nonsensical contrivance stretched out through its story to tell such a self-indulgent message that was as flat as a plank. The performance is rather well, but not that effective to where I felt a shard of emotions in the final stretch of the game. At best this game made me giggle from its silliness, at worst it's bored me to death. Dw I'm not like Mauler where I nitpick a story to death for 15hrs and pretend I'm not boring cinema sins of gaming. I just didn't feel the overall execution of this game was earned. The brutality of this game is effective though, I felt it. It's disturbing how well it is in its gameplay and narrative for that I say was the most profound element of this game. However, I had fun going on a murdering spree, which never did I feel I should contemplate my actions. Ellie's quest for revenge was justified, never did she take a moment to contemplate her action throughout the game, she had conviction and clarity. That is where the narrative failed for me. The shift was too late, too sudden. It was the game signaling right in your face and it was an insult. I appreciate this game for being what it wants to be, an artistic storytelling piece, even if it doesn't embrace the nuance of video game's potential in storytelling, it's still nice to appreciate what it was trying to do.

Reviewed on Apr 11, 2024
