Could not care less about the cat feature

This game was weird enough on its own but I bought it on Wii U…

This game had one god damn trophy that I just couldn't fucking get and it still makes me mad

I will never forget the year 2013 when picked up the wii u limited edition with this gem. Not only was I the weird Wii U kid I was the „please be careful with my zelda gamepad“ wii u kid

Slayed hard but awakening slayed harder

Fuck it i thought it was fun. Motion control can be fun if you don't have a worm in your ear telling you that thats the reason you suck at the game

Her as a character made this so much more engaging

You knew at least one bozo who'd only play luigi with the vacuum cart

Wasn't vibing with it after the first hour

This scratched an itch and im not afraid to say it

I used to fire this up immediately after school like i was working a blue collar job and had to crack open a cold one

This game has thought me that some people will die on the dumbest hills