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A colorful top down shooter, move with WASD while aiming and firing with the mouse. It starts of entertaining with colorful doodle style graphics, you begin with a weapon that can fire off one bullet and when you are outside you can get into a car and run enemies over. The goal is to get to a destination fight to a boss in the middle of a building and kill them to end the stage. Dead enemies can drop health or money, money will level you up and ever other level you can take one of four perks to increase health, regeneration, speed, and fire rate, bosses will drop an upgraded gun. The problem with the game is that it doesn't give you variety, you will do the same things, the perks are dull, and weapon upgrades just give you increasing spread shots that might shoot faster. Bosses stand in the center of the area firing at you with the new top of shot you are going to get and your enemies aren't very interesting.