Tactical FPS, lead a five man SWAT team into some more realistic scenarios and some ridiculous ones. You end up going against cultist, a Christian anti rock group, white supremacist, and militant farmers along with some more generic robberies gone wrong or a failed assassination attempt.

Lethal and nonlethal weapons and gear can be equipped to each character. You can order both teams of two separately or together and can see through a camera in your hud to see what they to a sniper team sees. Tense gameplay, though some odd decisions when it comes to needing to handcuff civilians who often don't want to surrender (I guess because they don't give you enough people to get them out of the building) requiring you to have a taser or pepper spray to make them surrender. Same odd moments when enemies refuse to drop their weapon when they are blinded or hit by gas and surrounded by your team.

A lot of detail spent on each mission when it comes to the locations, briefing, environment design, and creating areas that work well with the mechanics that have changes from difficulty and randomization. Very good to very questionable AI. Expansion makes improvements when it comes to order, equipment, and an added melee button that is used more to stop the odd never surrendering situations.

Anything above the easy difficulty requires you to finish a set mission with a certain score with points earned for completing it, not being wounded, not losing each member of your team, picking up all evidence and guns, reporting everything, capturing or wounding instead of killing anyone. With points lost if you injure one of the other SWAT members or injure or kill any armed suspects that aren't threatening you (or in most cases that are clearly threatening you and might have just killed multiple people, clearly not an accurate police representation.

Player made mods can combine the main and expansion campaigns (allowing you to use the new options and equipment in the old levels), add widescreen and 1080, add in cut content like traps, and there are player made map packs.

Becomes much easier when you realize the power of the paintball gun.

Screenshots: https://twitter.com/Legolas_Katarn/status/1378360357060706305

Reviewed on May 15, 2021
