A short adventure game about a pig farmer planning to back out of a deal he made with the mob 15 years ago after his conscience and recent life events prevent him from carrying on in his role anymore.

Adios is the final walk you take around your house and reflections on the events, things, and loved ones that lead your life down its current path and helped to form who you are while you prepare to leave your life behind. The farmer slowly putting into words all the doubts about the life he's been living for himself and for his long time friend, partner in crime, and potential killer over the course of the day. Often while your friend tries to dissuade you from your course of action or to change topics on what often starts as a more mundane subject but ends as something more personal for one or both men. Simple but beautifully somber setting, with attention to small details.

Occasionally, you are able to choose from different dialogue prompts when asked a question, but who your character is and the decisions they have made is already set and no inconsequential change, horse shoe victory, flavor soda you throw your friend, or how spicy you make your curry will change the ending. That you can't alter who your character is to create some ridiculous ending and that the most narratively altering thing the conversation choices do is to offer you blocked out choices for things that the farmer really wants to say, is afraid to say, or is considering saying when overtaken by emotion only gives more insight into his state of mind.

A grounded and well told story with an excellent voice cast that help to further highlight and bring the needed emotion to the the well written dialogue.

Screenshots: https://twitter.com/Legolas_Katarn/status/1372405680607404038

Reviewed on May 15, 2021
