A budget priced co-op sequel to the previous Wolfenstein games taking place 20 years after the last one. The shooting is still fun, and the guns feel a bit more balanced than the previous game due to only being able to duel wield one handed weapons. Well put together but frequently similar, almost repeated, areas.

Main characters are almost always unlikable (which is made pretty obvious from the trailers) and fall into the trope that frequently effect women in games with their obsession with daddy, and being like daddy, and finding daddy, and remembering daddy, and making daddy proud, etc. Basically reboot Lara Croft without destroying the remains of other cultures and stealing stuff. The only positive I can think of for them is that they are at least nice to their tech expert friend who would usually be used for frequent jokes or constant dismissal by similar main characters. Loses good commentary of previous games regarding things like the main characters Jewish identity combined with him looking like the model Nazi ideal, minorities and socialists being the ones to stand up to the Nazis, and America's culture that influenced the Nazis and the country's complacency and support of white supremacy, all of that replaced with characters talking about Nazis as if they have no interactions with them or the wider world apart from stories told (mostly by daddy) when they were growing up.

Constantly gets in the way of enjoyment with heavily armored time wasting enemies, that hurt the previous game, but are now worse as they can be called as reinforcements. The game makes use of a Borderlands style leveling system where enemies that are too strong can kill you in a second or two while being bullet sponges (never quite as bad as Borderlands though). The game likes to place these over-leveled enemies right next to low level ones which prevent you from following a normal path of progression where you will go to a large map area after leaving the hub and be able to complete almost everything or everything in that area, instead due to levels and the awful basically nonexistent map, you will have to jump back and force between areas doing one or two activities at a time, possibly forgetting to do missions you were right next to due to the poor objective organization.

The weapon upgrade system is fine for the most part but every weapon gives you a bonus to headshots, general damage, or capacity if you use at least three of the same upgrades, this is fine until you get to weapons like the flamethrower or guns that do giant multiple AoE explosive blasts where you would never want bonus headshot damage.

If you have a friend you want to play this with and you both go in for the buddy pass version for around $20 each you can have some fun with it but it spends a lot of time trying to ruin that fun. It would have been a big improvement if it was linear and an even bigger improvement if they would just remove the heavily armored and robot enemies, or if they had attempted any kind of interesting narrative or character development.

Reviewed on May 17, 2021
