Horizontal shoot em up, a company is polluting a planet and a science man tells you to destroy them all. Main feature is the arm you control that can rotate around your ship while acting as your gun arm and a defense against bullets it hits and a weapon against enemies it connects with. Every enemy drops gems that 1, 2, or more points getting 20 calls a ship that gives you a weapon upgrade and choice between four weapons. A weaker sub weapon of vulcan/bomb/homing shot can also be gained. The sub weapon you lose on death and it is more rare to get a new one but the game is generous with the main weapons, death drops you down to levels out of the max five but also drops you some gems while keeping you with the same weapon you had when you died, losing all of your lives and spending a credit to continue will drop a pickup to instantly max your weapon out. Also a really nice and obvious feature that most games wouldn't do is that when the weapon upgrade/change ship comes the first weapon it drops defaults to whatever you are carrying so it can make it a lot faster to get it off the screen if you are trying to dodge shots. First 3-4 stages are easy then starts to become much more difficult, though the generous upgrades and max upgrade on death mean that getting hit isn't that big of a deal. Looks good, enemies don't have much variety but a lot of the larger ones and bosses do have destructible points that change or stop certain attacks.

Screenshots: https://twitter.com/Legolas_Katarn/status/1563720802490777600

Reviewed on Aug 28, 2022
