It was ugly, creepy, gross. It was about child abuse. It was blasphemous. The protagonist was a naked child crying at literal shit. The characters and enemies were all doodles and floating round heads that pissed themselves. It was full of dead memes and shitty video game references.
And yet... There goes the greatest roguelite ever designed.

Nothing else in the genre truly compares. There's a reason most of them copied the Zelda 1 dungeon-crawling format of this game, but they don't get the other nuances. There's nothing with this balance of simplicity and complex builds/stats. With this immediacy from beginning to end. With items that change how you play so radically. With this many item synergies. With THIS much content and things to do.
Oh, you don't like getting broken builds and think the game isn't challenging? You're overwhelmed with all the items? Stop playing the expansions and just start with the base game, idiot. What did you think was gonna happen?

Reviewed on Jul 01, 2023
