Tears of the Kingdom definitely improves upon the gameplay of BotW in terms of crafting and combat. And yet it falls flat on one very big aspect - the exploration.

My problem is not the map being reused here, I'm talking about the changes on how to traverse this map. TotK introduces a lot of (recycled) aerial islands which allow you to glide down to whatever location from the skies. It's cool in theory, but takes away the very core aspect of Breath of the Wild - exploring the map. You no longer need to climb mountains and horses are now completely useless in this game, all thanks to the new verticality introduced. Don't even get me started on the craftable Hoverbikes.

The novelty of the depths also wears off rather fast and navigating in the same dark caves just becomes a pain over time. They suffer from the same problem as the sky islands, they're too much of the same thing and thus come off as recycled and boring.

Despite those flaws, I still had a good time with the game. The cities are way more lively than in BotW and seeing what has changed over time is pretty cool. Hyrule still manages to feel fresh after spending many hours in the previous game. I also liked the new dungeons.

TL;DR: If you're a Zelda fan and liked BotW, you'll have a lot of fun with this game and the new spin on BotW's Hyrule. But don't just buy it for the sky islands and the depths or you'll be disappointed.

Reviewed on Sep 04, 2023

1 Comment

7 months ago

I, unfortunately, am the ladder of the last paragraph. I asked for TOTK for my birthday out of FOMO and it being the best game of the year so far. As a non-zelda fan really trying to get into the series, I liked BOTW a lot and its changes to the series. I was a really hoping this would be the game that would convert me into a die-hard Zelda fan, but instead I got bored after I did my second dungeon. I felt that the concept of sky islands and underground shenanigans were awesome, but they both fell flat to me since I didn't find any memorable places underground nor in the sky (besides the tutorial area). Oh well, I guess I can't force myself to like something I find kind of boring. At least building dumb veachlies was kind of funny and cool. Again, it's an objectively amazing game, but I just can't find enough fun out of it.