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Apollo Justice Ace Attorney is a pretty dang good base for a trilogy that unfortunately, never was.

That's not to say that this game isn't beyond strange however. It felt very weird compared to every other game in the series I've played up till this point. There were some points in the game where I thought the evidence didn't exactly apply to the contradiction at hand as well, and some strange logical leaps that I can see why they might work, but couldn't actually find in my head without a walkthrough despite thinking for a long while. I guess I can talk a bit about all the cases here. No idea if the spoiler tag is working, so spoilers beyond this point if so.

Turnabout Trump: Absolutely fantastic first case, probably my favorite case 1 in the series aside from GAA2-1. Not much else to say, just a very strong first case.

Turnabout Corner: So boring that I had to look up the name of this case. The first investigation had me quit the game for months because all I was doing was random chores for a while. Even after that point it was just ok. The characters were also just fine, nothing offensive. Getting to see Apollo and Trucy actually hang out for the first time and Ema returning was probably the saving grace here. Still though, probably my least favorite case.

Turnabout Serenade: See, the premise of this case was fine, but there were just so many oversights and stupid shit here as well. I liked most things up until the last day, aside from the ever persistent nagging in the back of my mind that there was absolutely no way for Machi to use a .45 caliber revolver well, he's 14 dude. On the last trial day, I started to see what everyone hated. The endless playing of the concert video, spending half a trial segment picking apart a magic trick because "Magicians never reveal their tricks lol". Despite that, the characters were pretty great here, I liked talking with everyone. This case isn't inherently flawed like big top was, just had a couple really stupid moments that bring it down.

Turnabout Succession: See, this one is weird. The first part in the present is just okay, and I don't have much to say about it. The past segment, I don't have strong feelings about aside from the feeling of dread I had as the evidence presentation that had Wright disbarred grew ever closer. After the past trial, is where I start loving this case. The MASON investigation is probably my favorite part of the entire game, I loved putting the pieces together over the past and present. The trial afterward, while pretty great, felt somewhat anticlimactic after hitting "Not Guilty". I would've liked to spend a bit more time with the characters outside of the credits after that moment aside from speaking with Vera and the Phoenix-Lamiroir interaction, but aside that the ending is pretty dang good.

Reviewed on Dec 16, 2021


1 year ago

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