For context on how I'm approaching this game and the others soon-ish to come, back in Elementary and Middle school, I was the kid who never really played FPS games despite them being the biggest things around at the time. I was quite happy with my Nintendo games and the occasional PS3 game in the form of Little Big Planet, and for the most part I still really am. Really hasn't stopped me from feeling like I'm missing out on a lot of great games though, especially when a couple months ago I got Ultrakill and quite honestly was not able to tap into the greatness everyone else sees in that game. So in an effort to better understand the appeal of this genre, here we are, with me having completed DOOM. Honestly did not expect to like it as much as I did, with it being 1. an FPS game and 2. practically the beginning of its genre. The focus on exploration was honestly what did it most for me, aside from the aiming which while basically just being a line, helps me be more accurate in my inexperience. If I had to bring up a con it would be some levels in the third episode are slightly irritating. But like. This is DOOM. I can't really say much else because you already know why its good. Looking forward to more!

Reviewed on Oct 27, 2022


1 year ago

The genre thing is debatable, since Wolfenstein has the same basis along with myriads of "Wolfensteinclones", but DOOM really put exploration into the map. You should try Strife!

1 year ago

Really? I honestly didn't know that Wolfenstein was first. good to know!

1 year ago

Considering I fractured my right arm today I will not be playing more for the foreseeable future dies