Yeah...this is my autism diagnosis.

I will start with the positive... the additions of encounter toggling and enhanced movement on this are a huge improvement.

The game is still too "yeah just work it out" for my liking, I actually feel like this game would be nearly impossible for a first timer without a guide - what do you do next, guess, that's right head to a random house get a random item and workout who needs it - coming back to the save after a remember what you were doing.

The level curve on this is killer, it's pretty easy combat wise until the final fiend fight and then Chaos.

Chaos can suck my...well I can't say what but he can suck that.

20,000 HP, immune to all non melee damage and max heals every 8 turns.

I get having a challenging finale but I shouldn't feel forced to use a BS meta strategy of Haste and Temper spamming to compete it.

Decent 10 hour game and 13 year old me who couldn't beat this has finally been appeased.

This was... amazing.

I am typically a very 'that's not a game' boomer with more narrative driven games like this but bloody hell (very bloody in this games case is it good.

The sound design for this game is up their with the original Hellblade for me, from the narrators voice to the atmospheric sound and even some of the more gruesome folly.

The art style is beautiful but the game is also not afraid to go all in on disgusting as well.

Gameplay is enough to not feel like a walking simulator and it keeps you on edge without being a jump scare/horror game.

Although I got jump scared by a deer... 1 minute into the game.

Can you swear in backloggd review?

I feel like I need to swear to get my feelings of this game across.

Let's play it safe and just say fecking tedious.

Repetitive combat, letter delivery quests out the kazoo and a fast travel mechanic that the game stops you using most of the times you want to.

Pointless quest to go across multiple parts of an island you have explored multiple times to speak with your crew...sorry fast travel not available at this time.

The story is interesting enough but the pacing of it and the game in general is the equivelent of when you start writing a big word on paper and have to go really small in the last couple letters cause you went too big early on.

The second chapter of this game makes up about 30-40% of the total play time.

It's about a 30 hour game with 15 hours of it in the first 3 chapters and 15 in the remaining 6.

It gets the charm of the source material in areas and some of the the new additions are enjoyable but by about 20 hours in I was really forcing myself to finish this for the sake of completing it.

The story gave me everything I want from a Spider Man game in terms of feeling like a comic run or a movie whilst having enjoyable game play and (with the exception of the nests) not having any side quests or collectable quests that felt overly tedious.

I have been really out of game the past few years but after 100% and Platinuming this I feel reinvigorated to try get back into it again.