I had always tried getting into this game but I never managed to get very far, so when I started playing the Alan Wake games I decided to pick it up again since there is some connection through the DLC.
The graphics are gorgeous, and my jaw was constantly dropping at the incredible world blending in with the red theme. There are some weaker areas in the map which are not quite as interesting as others, yet the way you can interact with the environment and break it during combat was awesome.
The combat starts a bit slow, but once you start unlocking abilities it gets way more fun, albeit more challenging. Unfortunately, I did feel some of the enemies were simply damage sponges, which made some fights extend for more than they should have.
The story is pretty decent, but honestly what had me more interested were the little tidbits of information you would gather along the game, especially the video tapes where you would get a pretty good explanation on something.
As for the DLC, I loved both of them, maybe Foundation more than AWE though. There are several nods to Alan Wake throughout the whole game, but the AWE expansion is where this becomes even more apparent, as it features not only Alan Wake himself but some developments on the story from what I can assume is the events between AW1 and AW2.

Overall, very enjoyable game.

Reviewed on Apr 26, 2024
