Log Status






Time Played

1h 52m

Days in Journal

4 days

Last played

April 7, 2024

First played

June 23, 2023


Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge is an interesting case. The game is clearly developed to be a translation of the excitement of the NES Mega Man games to the Game Boy hardware - Mega Man on the go if you will. However, it's not a one-to-one port of any of the NES titles like you would expect. Despite taking a whole lot from the console counterparts, this is definitely a unique experience. Rather than having just the 6 robot masters from 1, there are 4 from 1 and 4 from 2, a trend that would continue for most of the following game boy games. There's also a new robot, Enker, thrown in at the end.

Despite those changes, the game still does not stray far at all from the NES games. the core Mega Man gameplay is here, and it's translated surprisingly well for the first attempt. The gameplay is impressively barely affected by the screen size, which is impressive considering how massive Mega Man is on this tiny screen. Though, because of this smaller screen size, the game feels way more cramped than the NES titles.

If there's anything I've seen people say about this title, it's that this one is very hard. I can see where people are getting that, especially considering some of the tricks pulled in the Wily levels. Personally, I can hardly comment on this, as I've grown up with this title and have honestly played it more than some of the NES titles. Natrually, I'm pretty damn good at this one compared to others, so I'm not really feeling that same level of difficulty. Most of that difference is just knowing how to properly utilize your weapons. The core 4 unlocked from the Mega Man 1 robot masters are rather useful in this title. I often found myself using them far more often than I did in the NES game. Surprisingly, Elecman's weapon was the least useful here. The 4 weapons you unlock from the Mega Man 2 bosses are also very useful, though you only get to truly use them for 1 level, which really bothers me. I wish there were a couple more Wily Stages (or the robots were introduced earlier) so that you could get more use out of their abilities. Though, I do appreciate the brevity of this title as a result.

Back on difficulty, I think a lot of that is felt in the Wily Stages. There are a lot of falls that will throw you into spikes if you're not completely aware (though you can get around this with smart Carry usage) and the block sections in Wily 2 are really annoying for a first-timer. Though, I do really like these levels because of how they encourage weapon mastery. Every single screen was me using a different weapon to get by, and it felt wonderful to string together. I think that about sums up the difficulty, the game is tough for a newcomer but rather rewarding for a veteran.

Overall, Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge is a fun and impressive title for the Game Boy. I personally do not recommend it if you're new to Mega Man. It'll be too frustrating as a first game. Hell, it'll be too frustrating once you get into it for the first time anyways. Though, If you manage to stick with this title til the end, I believe you will enjoy it. I personally think this is one of the Game Boy's many classics.