TL;DR: Cute premise, lacking in gameplay.

The game is framed as a grandpa telling a bedtime story to his grandchildren. That's the best part of the game, you get a lot of silly dialogue when the kids butt in and argue something was too easy or whatever.

Gameplay-wise, it's rather...repetitive. It constantly reuses the same four or five puzzle types, and they don't ever get thought provoking enough for the repeating puzzles to be satisfying. Combat doesn't fare much better. Enemies die so quickly and easily that they often supplement harder enemies for DROVES of enemies absolutely filling the screen. Bosses provide a moderate challenge, but I'm fairly certain most of them are seizure-inducing. Items you acquire are almost exclusively combat-oriented, further trivializing the combat. I hardly ever used the sword at all once I got some of the midgame items.

Reviewed on Jul 21, 2022
