1 review liked by LisSiamoler

First, this game is still in Early Access on Steam.

Second, there are mobile versions of this game for free, but they're built around paying your way to getting a faster accruing of wealth and experience to unlock more things.

With that out of the way, I really dig this game. As Roguelike Deckbuilders go, it just somehow finds a way to be exactly my jam. Deckbuilding feels truly thematic and independent of the characters you play as, though you can use their abilities to help break open your own deck ideas pretty easily.

The game is very particular about making sure you have an understanding of what's going on by piecing out each aspect of the game. Your first several runs will only be one area in length, as the game gives you a chance to learn its environment and unlock a few extra goodies to help make the real trips more fruitful. This is both a blessing and a curse, because anyone who wants to take their time and see all that the game has to offer is in for a treat, but anyone that wants to dive deep into the meat of the game to try and unlock postgame stuffs is going to be disappointed by having to take Guild Hall quests over and over to unlock each major area of the game and the Depth challenges that come with them.

If you're looking for challenge as deckbuilders go, you might have to self-impose when building your initial deck or save up wealth in the game to unlock the postgame content that alters some aspects of gameplay.

Gaining various types of wealth to unlock stuff is a bit of a slog, and is clearly a product of the mobile version, though the Steam version that I played does significantly raise the amount gained in runs to try and make up for this. But between characters, postgame modifiers, general upgrades for future runs, and even unlocking "packs" of cards, there's a lot available, of which you gain little after even the most successful of runs.

I don't mind doing a single run now and then to just make a little more progress because the deckbuilding just really feels right. There's a bug involving some achievements not unlocking until the next time you start up the game, but that's not exactly the worst thing in the world. I do also wish that it was a bit easier to tell the rarity of cards just by looking at them (it wasn't apparent to me) and that the mechanic for "Sort By" for your deck editor had a memory function to it so that it didn't always default back to a sort option you have no interest in using. There's also no controller support currently, and I don't know what the intentions are of the devs on potentially porting it to consoles to justify controller additions. Hopefully, it happens.

The final update for the game that will include more content for the official release is supposed to be coming up in the next few months, so if you're hard up on deckbuilders and want to really mess around with something fun, maybe consider giving it a go if you're on Steam. 15 bucks feels like it's in just the right price range for this game.