Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 30, 2022

First played

December 28, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


This game was a pleasant surprise, one I had not even heard of, that my girlfriend got me for Christmas. What a delight it turned out to be. The game absolutely oozes charm, from its wonderful artistic style, to its simple yet endearing cast of characters, including the fantastic narration and its amusing commentary. The world feels beautifully quaint, full of mystery, and surprisingly gritty and gruesome all at once, balancing these tones superbly. The combat is enjoyable, with some real stand-out bosses, though not all are made equal.

I do think that the beginning of the game is better than its later sections, though I still found it solid all the way through. I do wish some of the "side quests" were more varied, and that they felt more like true side quests, instead of being, for the most part, required, somewhat slowing the game's pacing down. As well, a few of the bosses, especially some of the later ones, felt weaker in design than many of the early/mid-game bosses. Still, I did not find any truly awful, perhaps just a bit underwhelming. As a final note, the game could do with explaining a few of the mechanics and equipment intricacies, as some are not the most intuitive, and took a bit to understand.

These flaws are not major detriments though. I absolutely adored this game, and the short length is making me consider giving it another replay in the future. A real gem of a game, that I'm glad I got the chance to play.