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The first entry in the Darksiders series. War's game focuses more on a God of War style of combat with a few puzzles and platforming elements sprinkled in to keep things somewhat fresh. Liam O'Brien does a wonderful job voicing the stoic War.

Darksiders feels like a mash of multiple games and, thus, can struggle at times to carve out its own identity. The story and setpieces are memorable enough. Combat can feel rigid and fluid at the same time. While the game doesn't do a whole lot to make itself stand out, it is fun for what it is.

100%: Apocalyptic difficulty can be challenging and will require some practice/upgrades to beat. The most annoying achievement by far is riding Ruin (your horse) for 100 miles. There's really not enough space in the main game's map to justify this distance requirement, even with the amount of backtracking you do. Find yourself a rubber band for your controller and save your sanity.

Reviewed on May 20, 2023
