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1 day

Last played

May 13, 2023

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Fun little tactical shooter with a Star Wars coat of paint inspired by the likes of Halo and Counter-Strike!

Delta Squad is your typical group of cliched but enjoyable badass soldiers spouting machismo dialogue. I miss the era of prequel tie-in games for the franchise because they really fleshed out the world-building and expanded the universe.

The campaign is rather short as there are only really 3 main missions (Geonosis, The Prosecutor, and Kashyyyk) but they do take around 1.5-2 hours to complete each. Even on the easiest setting though, it's still quite a challenging experience because your weapons are so underpowered and the enemies (especially the droids) are bullet sponges and I was constantly running low on ammo and my squadmates kept getting downed.

A shame we never got a follow-up as it ends on a cliffhanger or a remaster as I could see it being improved with updated graphics and gameplay.