Max Payne 2 seems to be highly regarded as the best in the trilogy but I gotta say while I enjoyed it I still like the first game and from memory the third game more.

The story is probably paced better than its predecessor and the character models and textures are a definite upgrade but the campaign is pretty short and not as challenging. The guns and sound design for them also feel way inferior compared to the first. There's barely any blood when you shoot an enemy and I just didn't really feel the visceral impact of a kill in this one. I do like the ragdoll physics though.

Of the three Max Payne games this definitely feels the most like a comic book and that will determine whether it's your favourite or not. Personally, I prefer the more gritty and grounded approach of the first and third games but this is still a solid entry. I liked it, didn't love it.

Reviewed on May 21, 2023
