I played as far as defeating the first Lord or whatever they're called, and it was just constantly kinda dull. The two main characters aren't very interesting to the audience or to each other, and they don't like each other at all. How am I supposed to kill god when there's no power of friendship going on?

Reviewed on Aug 16, 2023


9 months ago

They literally get married at the end but alright. I agree the game is mostly dull than not, narratively and progression wise. TBF, tales games are all mid, every entry there's like 1 or 2 party members they nail but the rest are :skull: (not gonna remember them deeply). I've only played 4 tales games btw (Steam ones), and I think I've had my fill, prolly ain't gonna buy the next one.

6 months ago

Bro has never heard of "character development" you've basically only completed the tutorial and you're complaining that the chemistry isnt there when the characters have literally just met and are from opposing races that hate each other