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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 13, 2021

Platforms Played


After playing through the fantastic Crash 4 I decided to pick up the N sane trilogy and discover the series’ roots for the first time. First up is Crash 1 and it’s...ok. It’s typical for first entries in the series to be rough around the edges so I guess this is to be expected, but the level design and platforming challenges are really...simple and stop and go for a lack of a better term. The moveset Crash has is limited (no slide or anything), which further accentuates this issue. It can be quite fun at times when the design clicks, quickly jumping on platforms and maintaining a sense of flow, and there are some moments in the game where I was tested and felt quite satisfied, but it never really peaked beyond that. While I said just getting from point A to point B and enjoying the level itself without caring about the boxes was the best way to experience Crash 4, the opposite problem unfolds with Crash 1. Box breaking and going for all the gems are the most you’re gonna get out of this game because again the levels themselves don’t really offer much beyond that. Also side note but the bosses are awful. Still a relatively solid time but I probably won’t revisit this. Maybe I’ll finish 100% it someday because it seems relatively easy to do

Update: I have just recently 100% this game. It was a fun distraction but I feel as if I only did it because it was short enough to be worth it