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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 14, 2020

Platforms Played


I've seen way too many people give this game a pass because of the development, but unfortunately I am not one of those people. This game is one of the laziest hastily thrown together games I have ever played. Combat is kinda fun but it doesn't excuse some of the worst enemy and level design the series or the genre as a whole has to offer. Nothing is really fun to fight unless it's the basic grunt enemies, bosses just kinda sit around and let you wail on them unless it's credo which is the only good boss, the rest is flaming garbage, and when it isn't wasting your time with the bad enemies, it's wasting your time with the horrid level gimmicks and recycled content. You have the terrible platforming and god awful spinning tops and dice game in the castle, boring as shit laser sections later on in the game, and when there isn't a bad gimmick the levels are DMC2 levels of empty and full of nothing, not to mention that you need to not only backtrack through these awful levels in reverse as Dante, but you also fight the same bland bosses 3 TIMES. The blatant padding and filler is rampant throughout this game and it never gets any better from there.

I thought I would potentially like this more if I took the time to master Dante's arsenal and guard fly everywhere but that didn't do a single thing to further my enjoyment on this game. If anything it only reinforced how much of a chore fighting these enemies are. The other playable characters aren't fun to mess around with either. Only worth playing through if you're wanting to do bloody palace and basically nothing else. Next