Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

June 13, 2019

First played

March 14, 2019

Platforms Played


I remember liking this game back in December of 2011 when I first got this game and my Nintendo 3DS for Christmas. This was actually my first experience with Sonic Generations as a whole, and I wouldn't play the console version until a year later (and I was absolutely blown away when I eventually did but let's get back on topic). However when revisiting this game recently, it has become abundantly clear how little this game actually offers. When the level design isn't recycled from previous entries (in particular the first 3 Classic stages and Water Palace act 2 are a straight rip from the original level layouts), it's just baffling to go through. Classic Radical Highway and Emerald Coast are filled with long stretches of nothing and repetitive homing attack chains because...reasons. Moderns stages are just Sonic Rush without the trick system which, like Colors DS before it, already makes the movement less interesting and fun in my eyes. Overall you just end up with the game that's not only boring but surprisingly very short. You can legit finish this game in an afternoon sitting. There are extra missions and challenges to beat but they don't offer much beyond the main stages and are harmless distractions at best. The presentation is pretty alright, and I like how certain areas make the 3D effect work well, but all and all this is a pretty lame game all things considered.