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December 3, 2021

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…this is literally almost identical to Spyro 1

Like yeah the structure I feel is better and more streamlined. Instead of Spyro 1’s jumbled mess of worlds within worlds within worlds, there are 3 cohesive hub world areas with levels packed inside of them. It’s a lot more streamlined in that sense. Instead of looking for Dragons, you’re looking for orbs, but instead of collecting them like in any collectathon, you always need to do someone else’s busy work in order to be rewarded with one. I mean I’m fiiiiiine with this decision I guess, it’s just not terribly exciting.

Overall like the first game though, platforming is super basic and uninteresting, boss fights suck, music is forgettable, it’s just a very “in one ear out the other” type of game just like the first. Story is a slight improvement in that they added a few more central characters but the overarching plot is still just “bad guy does a bad thing and you need to stop him”. Spyro also gets permanent upgrades to his moveset that includes abilities such as…climbing ladders. And uh…stomping on things. Again, not terribly exciting.

I think at this point I’m just playing these out of obligation rather than actually wanting to play them lol