Idk how I managed to miss this, I completed this way back a few years ago when I finished all 3 of the Mario games on this collection. I guess I just forgot to log it during that time which…I suppose speaks perfectly for the quality of this collection as whole.

So here’s what you get with this collection: you get all 3 games in HD, Mario 64 with some amount of visual improvements, Sunshine in widescreen, Galaxy with (frankly unintuitive) joycon pointer controls, the soundtrack of each game…and that’s it. All games are locked to their original framerates, none of them are native ports, the presentation is shockingly barebones, Galaxy 2 isn’t on this collection for really no discernible reason, there’s no customization options to speak of nor are there any extras to browse like concept art or…ANYTHING really outside of the soundtracks. The features on this collection are so desolate it’s insane, even Sonic Origins has way more to offer than this. On top of that, Nintendo had the absolute GALL to not only charge $60 for 3 old roms that have barley been improved in any meaningful way, but on top of that they decided it would be a fantastic idea to make this a limited time release, because artificial scarcity is what gamers truly desire. At the time of this writing it’s basically impossible to buy this collection on the Nintendo eshop, the only way to experience this collection is to get it physically, which isn’t too much of a hassle as I still see a boatload of copies of these games on store shelves, or…yknow…Vimm’s lair, because honestly that’s a way better option and is far more morally correct than giving Nintendo any of your money for this sorry excuse for a collection.

Maybe some day collections can reach the absolute peak of Sonic Mega Collection. Some day. But not today.

Reviewed on Mar 10, 2023
