1 review liked by Lord_Stark_98

This game is all-skill, no luck. Remorseless for casuals but rewarding when grinded to a ridiculous level.

In Rocket League there is no such thing as better perks, better guns or faster cars. The only thing that makes a difference between you and your opponent is your honed skill and techniques.

Becoming a master of "car-soccer" by simply just training, training and some more training is rewarding in the end. The rewards you get along the way are a nice addition, but don't matter in any way.

Competitive wise, this game is the place to be in terms of esports. It cannot beat CS2/CSGO nor League of Legends yet but it sure is amazing to see what the top players can do with their car, a ball and some boost.

Unfortunately, Psyonix/Epic Games have dropped support on the fun game modes and arenas. These were initially created back in the SARPBC days and also evolved and arrived in Rocket League. Football fields in many different forms, shapes and layouts added to the fun in this game. We no longer see these arenas besides in custom play but we do see a "new" game mode in the casual playlist.