I hate this game, I despise this game and if I had a physical copy of this game I would throw it in the trash. Not being able to buy potions was annoying, the bosses having a ton of HP was a pain, the layout of the castle was literally awful, and the final boss having the worst theme I've heard in years. Nathan is a boring protag, Hugh is.....Hugh and Carmilla barely had any importance. Yep this is the worst Castlevania.

Reviewed on Jul 11, 2022


I kept trying to give it a fair go, but it's so far below the other GBA games and it always felt to me more like a broken NES game; where stuff slaps damage on you and saving seems arbitrarily difficult. Impressed you finished it though.

1 year ago

Thank God for Rewind. I wouldn't have been able to do it otherwise.

1 year ago

True tbh. And stuff randomly damages you (the bombs of the skeleton bomber as an example)